We’ve told our friends, and now my wife has publically announced it on her blog, so I guess it is time I did so as well. The winebaer (a.k.a. le loup) is westward bound. This May, after thirty-something years in New York, I’m heading to Portland, Oregon to explore a new lifestyle.
With the exception of my college years in “beautiful” Oberlin, Ohio, I have lived my entire life in and around New York City. My first career, in theatre and performing arts presenting, made NYC a natural place to want to be. New York has also been the ideal place to be since moving to the wine industry. It is, after all, the wine consumer capital of the world.
Nonetheless, as we’ve explored Portland over the last couple of years, we recognized that it offers a healthy amount of the elements we find most important in life – there is a wonderfully vibrant cultural scene, it’s a foodie haven, the town is pretty-darn wine-savvy, there are many – for the knitter in my life- top-notch yarn shops, and nature abounds all around.
We will naturally miss many things about New York, but to have never lived elsewhere for at least a few years, would be a big shame. We are very excited about our move… now we just need to find that perfect buyer for our lovely coop in Westchester. Any takers?